I believe there is something I am missing that will help me solve both of these simultaneously. On a side note a similar problem occurs when I wish to use "uigetfile" using a relative path.
That is why I'm specifically trying to avoid manual addition of the path. The process of running my files needs to be as painless as possible and shouldn't require much input from the user.
That is, I am running a Windows Matlab to develop the code and need to run the finished system on a Linux machine. The code is also going to be executed in a different OS to the one I am developing on. The reason the I'd like to add the path using a relative folder to the M-file is that the code needs to run in a different environment that will not have the toolbox install. The following is an example of the code: % Add OSU SVM system I've tried the "addpath" command but for some reason I can't get it to find the library relative to the m-file (script) that I run the command from. What I would like to do is add the folder in a script. I am able to get the entire system to work when I add the path of the toolbox manually (Right click -> Add to Path -> Selected Folders and Subfolders). I have an external SVM toolbox (OSU-SVM) that I would like to interface to with my project. My question stems from my usage over a few months and is something that I can't seem to solve.

You will have to do this every time you start MATLAB, as MATLAB will not remember the setting. Configuring MATLAB using the Command Window You can either use the command window or the menu entries.
Download the Octave installer at the Octave download page (make sure to pick the Octave version corresponding to the Dynare Windows installer).

Run MATLAB by locating it in the Windows start menu and by clicking on its icon.Double-click on the Dynare installer and follow the instructions.Download the latest Dynare Windows installer at the Download page.Make sure that MATLAB is installed on your computer.

Create the folder matlab/myfiles and call genpath inside of addpath to add all subfolders of matlab/myfiles to the search path. To run Dynare, you have the choice between running it inside GNU Octave (free software) or MathWorks MATLAB (proprietary). Add matlab/myfiles and its subfolders to the search path.